Proje hakkında

Bu proje aracılığıyla öğrencilerin ormanın karmaşık ekosistemini tanımaya ilgi ve merak gösterecekleri, ormanı koruyup saygı duyabilecekleri, temiz, dengeli bir çevrenin korunmasına katılabilecekleri faaliyetleri gerçekleştirebilmeyi diliyorum.


Bunun bir eğitim ve kültür meselesi olduğunu düşünüyoruz. Her birimizin belirli çevre sorunlarını çözmek, sürdürülebilir kalkınmayı sağlamak ve aynı zamanda tüm vatandaşlarımızın sağlığını korumak için uğraşması gerekir.

I wish that through this project we can accomplish activities by which students to show interest and curiosity in knowing the complex ecosystem of the forest, to protect and respect the forest, to participate in the maintenance of a clean, balanced environment.
We think this is a matter of education and culture. It is necessary for each of us to engage in solving specific environmental problems, to ensure the sustainable development, but also to preserve our health, of all citizens.

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The main purpose of the project is to practice English as a foreign language in a pleasant way.
• Training and development of students' ability to appreciate the beauty of the forest, their awareness of the importance of the forest in human life, the formation of fair ecological behavior;
• Forming a forest protection attitude (educating the ability to protect and respect the forest);
• Developing the responsibility to participate in maintaining a clean, balanced environment;
• Stimulating students to carry out experimental and demonstrative activities to help preserve environmental health (recycling of materials, care of green spaces);
• To collect materials of nature necessary for carrying out project specific works;
• To express personal opinions about certain environmental aspects through ecological artworks, by making posters, drawings, photographs, etc.


Each school prepares drawings, postcards with pictures from the forest near the school.
1. All schools must send at least one postcard or drawing to each of the other schools by the end of May 2019.
2. Upload photos, video clips, powerpoint or other similar aspects that show aspects of your school, showing the activities of the project with the theme.
3. See photos of the process of doing business as well as postcards received on Twinspace for other schools to see them.


The last part of the project is to prepare a school poster consisting of incoming postcards, apart from a Twinspace space, drawings, photos, videos and other ratings.
Our students will know about other countries, forests and reliefs, as well as about putting them on the map in a pleasant way.